Planning Data

All planning documents related to the Regional Water Plan will be made available on an ongoing basis throughout the Water Planning Cycle.

Working Conceptual Schedule

This conceptual schedule contains approximate timeframes for high‐level planning activities for the purpose of illustrating the anticipated order of and interrelationship/overlap between key activities.


Interregional Coordination

The Interregional Planning Council considered ways in which regional water planning groups could identify and coordinate on water management strategies that would develop or use water from another region and that could impact the source region. The Council recommended that the TWDB modify planning guidance so that RWPGs identify and begin to coordinate on such water management strategies early in the planning cycle and document the process in the technical memorandum, initially prepared plan, and final regional water plan.

On June 29, the PWPG will discuss the potential process for conducting interregional coordination regarding water management strategies during development of the 2026 Regional Water Plans including the identification of such strategies and course of action for coordination. The TWDB has provided the following spreadsheets as supporting data on water management strategies from the 2021 Regional Water Plans.

WMSs Serving Multiple Regions


Alternative WMSs Serving Multiple Regions
