Joint Planning Process

Desired Future Conditions

The primary responsibility of GMA 1 is to conduct Joint Groundwater Planning and establish desired future conditions for the aquifers within the planning area. Desired future conditions are defined in Title 31, Part 10, §356.10 (6) of the Texas Administrative Code as "the desired, quantified condition of groundwater resources (such as water levels, spring flows, or volumes) within a management area at one or more specified future times as defined by participating groundwater conservation districts within a groundwater management area as part of the joint planning process." Texas Water Code § 36.108 requires district representative within a groundwater management area to submit desired future conditions for relevant aquifers in their groundwater management area to the TWDB.

Modeled Available Groundwater

GMA 1 goes through a process to submit desired future conditions for each aquifer within the joint planning area. TWDB staff will determine whether the desired future condition is achievable and then estimates modeled available groundwater. Once the estimates are calculated, the TWDB provides the estimates and detailed documentation of how the estimates were calculated to each groundwater conservation district and regional water planning group within a respective groundwater management area. Each groundwater availability model has a GIS grid with attributes for various geographic designations, such as county, groundwater management area, groundwater conservation district, and active or inactive cells. These grids can be found at

2021 Joint Planning Documents

Desired Future Conditions

Final Explanatory Report

GMA1ExplanatoryReport_2021_Final (1).pdf

2021 Joint Planning Process

GMA 1 is currently in the fourth cycle of the joint planning process. The flow chart to the right is based off of information found in Texas Water Code Section 36.108 and details the necessary steps within the Desired Future Conditions to Modeled Available Groundwater Process.

The GMA 1 met and proposed to adopt desired future conditions at the public meeting held on March 18, 2021. The DRAFT Explanatory Report and Resolution to Propose DFCs for Adoption are available for viewing below. The various Groundwater Conservations Districts will hold a public hearing and a 90-day comment period on the proposed desired future conditions prior to finally adopting DFCs. GMA 1 must finally adopt DFCs no later than January 5, 2022.

DFC Flowchart.pdf

Resolution to Propose DFCs for Adoption

Resolution to Propose DFCs for Adoption.pdf

DRAFT Explanatory Report


2016 Joint Planning Documents

Desired Future Conditions

Desired Future Conditions Summary

Summary of Desired Future Conditions.pdf

Explanatory Report

GMA 1 DFC Explanatory Report 2016.pdf

Modeled Available Groundwater

MAG Summary by Groundwater Conservation District

GMA 1 MAG GCD 2016.pdf

MAG Summary by County

GMA 1 MAG County 2016.pdf

Additional 2016 Joint Planning Documents

  • DFC Submittal Letter - PRPC

GMA1_DFCSubmittalLetter (1).pdf
  • GAM RUN 16-029 MAG: Modeled Available Groundwater for the Aquifers in Groundwater Management Area 1

GMA 1 MAG TWDB Report.pdf
  • Resolution 2016-1: Proposed DFC Resolution

Proposed DFC Resolution - Executed.pdf
  • Resolution 2016-2: Resolution to Adopt Desired Future Conditions for Relevant Aquifers in GMA 1

I-B-2 Resolution 2016-2 - GMA 1 Adoption.pdf
  • GMA RUN 16-029 MAG - Letters

GMA1_Letters_GAM Run 16-029 MAG.pdf
  • Presentation: Proposed Desired Future Conditions & Modeled Available Groundwater

Walthour Presentation Proposed DFCs & MAG 4.20.2016.pdf
  • Draft Explanation of Proposed DFCs

Draft Explanation of Proposed DFCs.pdf

2011 Joint Planning Documents

Modeled Available Groundwater

  • GAM RUN 09-026 MAG - Ogallala Aquifer

GR09-026 MAG.pdf
  • GAM RUN 10-019 MAG - Dockum Aquifer

GR10-019 MAG.pdf
  • GAM RUN 10-020 MAG - Blaine Aquifer

GR10-020 MAG.pdf
  • GMA RUN MAG - Letters

GMA 1_MAG Letters.pdf

Additional joint planning documents are available upon request. You may submit a request for information utilizing this form or email Dustin Meyer at